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A large dog, the Cane Corso (pronounced kah-nay cor-so) is strongly built but elegant breed, with powerful and long muscles. They are very distinguished dogs. A Cane Corso expresses strength, agility and endurance. The general conformation of the Cane Corsos is that of a mesomorphic animal whose body is longer than the height at the withers. They are harmonious in regards to the form and disharmonious in regards the profile. The Italian Mastiff, as it is called sometimes, is an even tempered breed with a wide head and square jaw. They often have an undershot jaw, and ears can be cropped or left to drop. In countries where cropping is legal, the ears are cropped to a very short point. They are good guard and watchdogs, and will be very protective of their family. They are normally quiet and very trainable. They remain very wary of strangers and are unafraid of guarding their owner. They are intelligent and affectionate with family. They are fine with staying outside, and will need regular exercise. With training and socialization they are good with other pets and people.
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